Sunday, February 2, 2025

English August (English) (1994)

Movie: English August(English)
Year of Release: 1994 (Mubi)
What to See:  Shirtless, Underwear, Butt
Nudity Rating:

It was not in my 2025 Bingo board to get something I wanted for last 10 years. This is an 2016 post & I wanted to get this movie for almost 10 years now. Finally the great folks at Mubi git this movie restored. Yes Rahul is naked and naked and naked here! We get plenty of butt and some distant frontal. But beyond just the nudity Rahul looks crazy hot and cute here. I have never realized he was this good looking in his early days. Sexy naked guy....I wish actors this generation can learn a thing or two from Rahul. 


PuneUd said...

OMG thanks so much !!!! I also wanted this crazily for long. Yes Rahul Bose looks so good.

Anonymous said...

Netflix announced a bunch of shows for 2025. Can expect some butt nudity in at least half of them. But it's a damn shame there's no second season of Class yet. Would've expected something from Cwaayal Singh.