Saturday, February 8, 2025

Four Years Later (Web Series) (English) (2024)

Web Series: Four Years Later (English)

Year of Airing: 2024 (Australian SBS)

What to See: Shirtless, Underwear, Butt

Nudity Rating:

First of all, I did not want to post this. I am a purist in nature & not one of those bloggers who posts random stuff for views irrelevant to the blog type! But I am making an exception because it has been 3 months & I get constant comments to post this. 

Yes there is nudity on this Australian TV show around an Indian couple, but I usually post actors naked in Indian content or Indian actors naked in international content. Here both male actors are Australian but the lead Akshay Ajit Singh is of Indian background and deserves a space on this blog but sadly he doesn't get naked. The other man Yohan Philip actually gets naked but he is Sri Lankan. PS: Shahana Goswami is brilliant on the show!

Anyways I hope the commenter or the actors themselves will be happy to see this post!

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PuneUd said...

You seem to have missed ep#2 where the lead does get full naked on screen. Although it's a side profile view, but he is full naked.

PuneUd said...

Has anybody watched the National award winning gay movie Darawtha (2016) by Nishant Roy Bombarde? Does anyone have a link to watch it online.

Btw I m firstly sorry, I know this is not related to this blog in particular. But Ijust wanted to raise this question among like minded people.

Anonymous said...

Pashi shortfilm ...
underwear and kiss scene is there