Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Despatch (Hindi) (2024)

Movie: Despatch

Year of Airing: 2024 (Zee5)

What to See: Shirtless, Underwear, Butt

Nudity Rating:

OMG this was not in my 2024 bingo card! Quite surprising to see a big scale movie actor like Manoj Bajpayee do such a long proper nudity on OTT! Good days are here! Also special props to Kanu Behl who film after film can get actors naked (Agra)

Update: Snaps added from Director's cut!

PS: Dont want to start the debate again but this OTT movie shoes clear male butt but some female strippers in another scene had butts blurred. It is obvious what is the content regulation policy in India states for OTT! Good days for this blog.

Ps: My Twitter got banned again.... yet another time. Please follow : https://x.com/HnH_BACKUP https://discord.gg/dMgE6tcW

More At : https://photos.app.goo.gl/XVFxznegEESBKgLU8


Anonymous said...

See this film's director's cut, it has an uncut scene also..

Anonymous said...

Link please of that uncut scene

Anonymous said...

On zee5 only you can find

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you haven't posted this yet.. but dr. Arora on Sonyliv has very nice and elongated nude scene from Raj Arjun.
He is running nude in public you see his butt and side butt in ep1 near the end. The scene stretches to ep2. In starting where you can see him riding rikshaw naked, then while running we can see his frontals not so clear but yes very clear. He then climbs up a gate naked and jumps down the next side giving a nice and clear back view..
I guess its one of the best naked scenes I've seen till now in any ott series.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't we complain about the blatant double standard, where men are expected to bare all yet women are protected? India has been hijacked by feminism and it's dark times ahead. The double standard is not okay.

Anonymous said...

What time in the film?

Anonymous said...

I agree about the double standard but this isn’t feminism. This is patriarchy the that forced women to cover up and stay modest as such women are slut shaming targets of society

Anonymous said...

Is murder of atul subhash also patriarchy?

Anonymous said...

And we have the usual cry babies ranting on the wrong page again. Lol. Find the right place to vent your frustrations dude. Not here. Stop spamming here.